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Saturday, 31 May 2014

Detox Thai Soup

As I already told you in my latest post, I went allll the way with my juicing cleanse. An incredible experience, which I am seriously proud off. Created it myself and didn't cheat! But your body is still getting rid of all the toxins in your body the 3 days after your cleanse.  So especially these 3 days are really important to eat as clean as possible. No dairy, meat, coffee, alcohol etc. The key is light food, you do not want to stress your organs and your digestion by eating heavy foods right away. Keep drinking lots of water and keep taking your pro-biotics and vitamins. What can you eat? Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, quinoa, buckwheat, salads, soups, almond milk, coconut milk. For example:

  • fruit salad (with some nuts and almond milk)
  • porridge (oat or quinoa) like my Pear & Pecan Treat
  • smoothies (no milk except almond milk)
  • banana pancakes 
  • salads
  • eggs (scrambled, omelet)
  • fresh soups like My Yummy Creamy Soup, but swap the soy milk for almond and leave the cheese and fish out. You can add some fried tofu instead.
  • quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice as an addition to your salads and soups
  • steamed, grilled, roasted vegetables
  • eggs
  • tofu, falafel
  • quinoa, brown rice as an addition

So off with a recipe to get you going!!



For the paste
2 small onions
4 cloves garlic
1 small piece of fresh ginger
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
1 red chili (If you don't like spicy get the seeds out)
1 tsp coconut sugar
juice of 1 lemon
splash of coconut milk
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tsp sereh

for the soup
fresh vegetables! I chose 1 zucchini, some mushrooms and carrots
1 can coconut milk
1/2 litter vegetable stock
thai basil, parsley or coriander for garnish
pumpkin seeds for garnish

Start with your paste, process all the ingredients for the curry paste in a blender or food processor. Mix until it forms a well mixed paste, adding more coconut milk as necessary. Set aside, and start slicing the vegetables.

Add the paste, remaining coconut milk, vegetable stock to a big pot and bring to a boil, add your vegetables and cook the soup (under a lit) for about 30 minutes.

Serve with your fresh herbs and pumpkin seeds and enjoy your comfort bowl!

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